of my favorite phrases is “by small and simple means are great things brought
to pass.” I find great comfort in that, because I feel small and simple much
more often than I feel great and powerful. There are days when even small and
simple is a stretch. Miniscule and fragile would be closer. But I’ve finally
begun to learn to recognize and appreciate small things that go right,
especially when everything else is going wrong.
night I had the opportunity to spend some time with kids that I love that weren’t
mine. These three children are special to me, because the oldest was in my very
first preschool class, the middle is currently in my preschool, and the
youngest will be someday. I’ve spent time helping them and teaching them in my
home, so it was fun for me to spend time playing with them in theirs. Their mom
is a good friend of mine and one of my favorite mothers, and I know it’s
especially hard for her to leave her kids with other people. I wanted to share
some thoughts with her and with all mothers about how last night went.
small children are the biggest things in our world. They take up the most space
in our minds and hearts because they need us the most. Whether you’re a stay at
home dad or mom, these little lives we’ve been given charge of fill our
thoughts and prey on our fears and we can’t imagine life without them. That’s
good. That’s healthy. We’re hardwired to care that much about our kids by
evolution and design. But it’s a fine line we have to walk between nurturing
our kids for them and nurturing them for us.
night we read books, played hide and seek, sorted toys by shape, then color,
then size, and had lots of cuddles and hugs. I’m not mommy or daddy to them,
and that was a good thing. Our kids need time away from us with people we
trust. It gives them more confidence in themselves and in the world around
them, because it broadens their experiences and teaches them that yes,
sometimes mom and dad leave, but then they come back. That base level of
confidence does wonders for their self esteem- look at all the fun I had on my
own! I can have fun on my own and be safe!- and increases their appreciation
for you. I missed you mommy and daddy, I’m so glad you’re back. And I’m
learning that you always come back.
good for you, too. You spent decades as your own person, learning about
yourself and developing talents and tastes. Then you met, dated, and fell in
love with a person who was also a complete individual. It’s easy to get caught
up in the role of mommy and daddy, or in your role as worker at your job
whatever your title there may be. Don’t let yourself get so immersed in that
title of “parent” or “employee” that you lose “me,” that person you spent all
those decades developing. The small and simple thing you need to remember is to
take time to be you. Take time to be with that person you fell in love with and
give yourself permission to be the person they fell in love with. That person
was and is you. Not mommy/daddy, not co-worker, just you.
you doesn’t want to be forgotten. Your children are made up of you and your
spouse, whether biologically or by culture and love, and they deserve to know
you. Your spouse wants to spend time with the person they love. And sometimes
you need to step away from every other role, including the one as spouse, and
be you.
To all parents, I hereby
order you and grant you permission to STOP FEELING GUILTY. If you feel guilty,
that means you care. Good! Well done! Now knock it off and recognize that you’re
doing your best. Call your best friend or an adult you trust and get them to
watch your kids for a few hours. Then call another friend and make plans to go
to lunch, go shopping, go see that movie you thought looked good, buy a new
outfit, look for shoes, go paintballing, go rock climbing, get out in the world
and do something that interests you as a person. You will be a better parent
for getting away from parenting once in a while.
And your kids will be
happier, more confident, and more well adjusted for surviving without you
sometimes. Sometimes your kids have unusual issues or health problems. I know
several children with speech impediments, slower development, or other
handicaps. It’s harder to leave these, both logistically and emotionally. That’s
good. It should be harder. Again, that means you care about your children and
you’re doing it right. But you need the break more. Your child needs and
deserves your patience and understanding, but these virtues aren’t limitless
and need time to recharge and reset. Even if the best you can do is go out and
leave them with your spouse, do it. You need the break.
Or find a responsible
teenager, preferably an older teenager, and pay them to babysit while you are
there. Train them. Let your child grow comfortable with them while you’re still
there to supervise. Then get out of the house for a half hour. Go for a walk.
Run to the store. And come back. You were close, the time was short, and
everything is fine. Next time leave for an hour. There will be challenges and
hiccups, but remember that this is something good for them and good for you,
both while you’re separated and once you get back.
I know I’m going over
to that house to sit again in a few months. The second time will be a little
harder, because the novelty will be gone and the tension will be slightly
higher. The second time is always like that. The second week of teaching is the
hardest. The second day of working out is the hardest. The second time is
harder because you’ve done it once and it was fine, great, even fun, and so you’re
expecting that same newness and excitement again but it’s just the same. Know
that going in. And because I know that, I know how to combat it when I go back.
I’ll bring some new games from my house. I’ll bring new kids music for us to
dance and learn along with. And my good friend who is a great mom gets a break.
And after her kids go to bed, I get time to write! Wins all around.
I mentioned the book “Outliers”
in my last post (I think I’m going to skip blogging on Wednesdays pretty
consistently, that worked well for me).
I’m going to mention it again. In the book the author, Malcolm Gladwell,
postulated that people who are successful at something are the ones who are
given the best opportunity for success at the beginning. His first example is
about hockey players. He was watching a jr league finals game and looking
through the program. He noted that most of the players on both teams had
birthdays in the first half of the year. Now Gladwell knew that where he lived,
hockey leagues were determined by year of birth and the kids started playing
the year they turn five.
The kids who turned
five in January were playing against kids who turned five in December. Who do
you think was better at it? Those who were better, bigger, and faster were
given more attention by the coaches. Parents saw their child being better and
more coordinated than the children they played against gave their child more
time on the rink and more support in the game. Those kids got more practice
time and parents paid for better equipment. They were more likely to stick with
it. And they were the kids who were chosen to participate in these all star
Were those January
babies actually more coordinated than their December peers? Yes. By 11 months.
Were they naturally more talented? Likely not. But because of the way the
hockey system was set up, it was weighted in heavy favor of older, larger kids.
What about school? The
criteria is largely the same- eligibility is determined by birth date. Once in
school, kids are expected to interact with other children of various ages and
backgrounds and follow directions by people who aren’t their parents. Not just
their classroom teacher, but PE coaches, librarians, computer lab teachers,
lunch ladies, principals, and other school staff. Now you can do nothing about
your child’s birth date, but you can do everything about their readiness for
Last year I had a girl
in my preschool whose parents decided she wasn’t ready for kindergarten, even
though she was old enough. After meeting her, I agreed with their assessment.
Socially she was awesome; friendly, outgoing, and kind. Intellectually she was
great too, already knowing her letters and sounds and being able to write her
name. But she had a difficult time with self control. Sitting down and being
quiet were especially hard. In kindergarten she would have been an issue for
the teacher, who would have twenty other students to worry about and teach. In
preschool, she was just like all the others, learning to sit down and hold
What is the downside of
waiting? Your child will be older than the other students and will be more
physically and emotionally prepared. So they will receive more attention and
more opportunities from their teacher. Not a bad thing. They will be able to
make friends more easily than some of the others. Again, bonus. There may be an
underlying assumption of the “held back” stigma- they weren’t smart enough or
had problems- but by being older, more coordinated, and being given more and
better opportunities for education, those silent assumptions will vanish. Let
them start school when it will give them the best opportunity to shine, not
just because they’ve passed an arbitrary deadline.
Life is harder than I
expected. I never assumed it would be easy or simple, but I did expect that
there would be peaks and valleys, times of plenty and times of hardship.
Instead it seems that those always happen- there are always good things and bad
things going on and the trick is to focus on the good while fixing the bad. I’m
not capable of that all the time yet, but I’m learning how to cope. My health
issues are measured by “how bad is today,” and the goal is to get me back to a
semblance of normal. I don’t get to be “better,” I fight for “good enough.” But
small happinesses abound, and even if I have 3 huge things wrong in a day I’ll
have twenty little good ones. Some days those little good things are the
preschool kids. Some days less so.
Your children are the
small and simple things in your life that will bring great things. It’s your
job as a parent to make sure they have the best chance at success in life and
success, remember, doesn’t mean money. It means happiness. Your children will
be happier if you are happier. Take a break and be yourself. Give them the
chance to grow on their own. Trust your children and rely on the people around
you to help. We’re not in this alone, and you are never only one thing.
In your life, you are
everything. Including the hero. Give yourself the chance to win, and the
permission to take the time you need to be the best person you can be. I’m
rooting for you.
I amazed at how often I have to remind patients who are also moms that they need to take time for themselves. They have to do their own part of the healing at home. They often come back at the next visit and report that they finally took 5 minutes to do their exercises or stretches and it felt good. Being a parent must be hard.